Game Lab Social a new coworking space in Leamington Spa, UK

Being part of the Serious Games Institute in Coventry and Coordinating the BOO-Games project means that we are always looking for opportunities for our Games Companies. When the last BOO-Games Seminar in the West Midlands was organised on the 13th September, we regrettably heard the closure of BLITZ (one of the biggest studio in the West Midlands region in UK) but it also meant that it created opportunities for the region to get together and look further on the support needed. From this, a fantastic new venture came along Game Social Lab. I was invited to check this out last evening  and I was very happy to see that we have great talent in the region and that we can work together to support them by understanding their needs and for them to see their ideas come to life. We will definitely be involved in future activities and see how we could support their activities.

The article below was “borrowed” from Girl Gamers UK.

Game Lab Social, a vibrant co-working space for creatives, is pleased to announce the opening of a new studio space in Leamington Spa designed to foster creativity, collaboration and knowledge sharing.
As the vision of industry veterans Ollie Clarke and Steve Stopps and supported by Warwick District Council, Game Lab Social will open  a space to work with local talent in specifically created workshops, on-site training and access to marketing, pitching and monetization expertise.
Game Lab Social will also work to talent match, combining developer skills to create new development teams with the business infrastructure in place to support burgeoning talent, including graphic design, accounting and legal services.
“Leamington Spa is a hotbed of creative talent and ideas waiting come together, and with this space, we’d like to help creatives realise their vision in a supportive environment,” said Steve Stopps, co-founder of Game Lab Social. “We’re saddened by the closure of Blitz Game Studios, and as a former employees, we’ll do everything we can to help connect creative talent to enable them to get straight back into what they do best; making fantastic games.”
Born from the gathering in the middle events in Warwickshire, developers of titles such as Morhphopolis, M3ch, the Button Affair and Pocket Titans have already benefited from the skills and services set to be available.


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