2nd Thematic Seminar in Perugia, Italy

Five Thematic Seminars will be organised throughout the 3 years of the BOO-Games project delivery.

These seminars will address several topics that have been identified by the consortium as being key for the sector. Since the games industry is facing common issues all over Europe, the Thematic Seminar will be an opportunity to define common solutions and learn from each other.

The second seminar that will be held in Perugia on the 5th October 2012, will introduce the notion of cross sector activities and how the Video Games sector has been able to impact on other sector and in particular with the phenomenon of Serious Games.

9.00 – 9.30                  Registration -  welcome coffee

9.30 – 10:15                WELCOME Institutional SPEECHES                                                                      

Lucio Caporizzi  Direttore Regionale Programmazione, innovazione e competitivitàdell’Umbria

                                Directorate Regional for Programming, Innovation and Competitiveness  – Umbria Region


Vinicio Bottacchiari        Direttore Generale – SVILUPPUMBRIA

                                                General Director – SVILUPPUMBRIA


Soizic Tsin           Capo Fila del progetto Boo Games

                                 Lead partner of Boo Games

10:15- 10:45              Serious Games: which opportunities for co-operation between games industry and public sector in Italy?

                                    Thalita Malago, Secretary General – AESVI


10.45 – 11:15            Potential and Pitfalls for Serious Games Development: a  cross-sectorIal approach

                                    Willelm-Jan Renger  UTRECHT SCHOOL OF THE ARTS


11.15 –13.30          Talks and testimonials sessions on Serious Games


11.15-11.30 George Constantinou SG International UK

11.30- 11.45 Michele Maniscalco CEO Activart S.r.l.

11.45-12.00  Emilia Sorci – ( Association for Autism)

12.00 –12.15  Prof. Giuseppe Liotta – Computer engineering -  University of Perugia

12.15-12.30 Marco Mazzaglia – Milestone and co-founder of the social co-operative “La  Bussola” 

12.30-12.45  Euromedia S.r.l

12.45-13.00 Gruppo Spazio S.c.a.r.l.


13. 00 –13.30 Questions and Answers                                                       


13.45 – 14:00   Light Lunch

Venue: Hotel Sangallo Palace

Address: Via Luigi Masi, 06121 Perugia, Italy

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